Dust Mites, Insects, and Asthma

Dust mites are significant indoor allergy triggers for sufferers, and they’re present in nearly every home in the U.S. They’re microscopic, naturally occurring, and are not parasites. They do, however, feed on dead skin cells and produce allergens that can considerably impact sufferers prone to allergic asthma and trigger symptoms such as sneezing; a runny nose, sinus pressure, and congestion; and risk of flare or asthma attack.

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Other Insects

In addition to mites, cockroach droppings are also a known asthma trigger. If you’re susceptible to these asthma triggers, limiting your contact with both of these insects in the home will help reduce your risk of an asthma flare up.

Did you know?

A study found up to 85% of people with asthma are allergic to house dust mites.

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Dust Mites

They thrive in dusty, humid environments, so for allergic asthma sufferers, it’s extremely important to do everything you can to keep homes clean and free from excess moisture. It may also be smart to invest in mattress and pillow covers, opt for hardwood or tile floors instead of carpet, choose non-fabric furniture, and keep the humidity in the home below 50 percent. Wash all sheets and blankets each week in hot water.

Symptoms Check

Could dust mites be a trigger for your asthma symptoms?

Symptoms of a mild dust mite allergy include runny nose, watery eyes, and sneezing. In severe cases, it may result in persistent sneezing, cough, congestion, facial pressure, or severe asthma attack. Do you experience any of these symptoms in or around dusty and/or humid indoor spaces?

Tips for Managing Dust Mite & Insect Triggers

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Clean dusty and damp areas regularly

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Reduce humidity in your home

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Eliminate or reduce carpeting and fabrics