Sick and tired of asthma running your life?
You’ve come to the right place. Take this short quiz to find specific tools to take control.
What are you waiting for?

It's time. Own Your Asthma

Question 1
If your asthma were a person - who would it be?
Question 2
Imagine a normal day. How do you cope with your asthma?
Question 3
Does your asthma stress you out?
Question 4
In the last year, have you had more than 1 asthma attack that required an emergency room or urgent care visit?
Question 5
During that year, have you used doctor-prescribed oral steroids to treat your asthma?
Question 5
Are you currently prescribed a daily, inhaled asthma maintenance medication?
Question 6
Managing asthma sometimes takes specialized doctors. Who do you see to help you?
Question 6
Asthma can be a bother. How often do you have symptoms?
Question 7
One last thing! What do you think about your asthma?

Own your asthma Results

You are a: Seeker
You’re on a mission for answers. You have a number of asthma symptoms, but you’re not going to just put up with them. A specialist could help with information you haven’t considered before, like would a blood test tell you more about your asthma? You are ready to get back to your daily activites - it’s time for action. Talk to your doctor and find a specialist in your area who could help.
Specific asthma, specific doctor
Find a specialist who can treat your type of asthma and provide you with a plan that leads to you owning your asthma.

Own your asthma Results

You are a: Problem Solver
See the problem. Find a solution. That’s what you do. You’ve seen the signs of your asthma and you’re tired of it holding you back. You are determined to own it just like you do everything else in your life, but you could use a little extra assistance. Talk to your doctor to find the solution you’re looking for.
Problem Solved
If you want to take action, you have to have a plan. This Asthma Action Plan will help you overcome your worst symptoms and own your asthma. Take this to your doctor to help build your plan.

Own your asthma Results

You are a: Thinker
Are you going to let asthma call the shots? We didn’t think so. You’re used to pushing through your symptoms because you don’t think they’re “that bad.” Maybe they’ve sent you to the ER once, but it’s not a common occurrence. Your asthma won’t hold you back from the life you want to lead. No more overthinking how to plan around your asthma. Instead, with your doctor’s help, you’ll show it who’s boss.
A Smart Solution
Here’s how to outsmart your asthma. Take this Asthma Control Test and share the results with your doctor. If your asthma thinks it’s got you beat, it better think again.
Asthma Control Test is a trademark of QualityMetric Incorporated.

Own your asthma Results

You are a: Manager
When it comes to your asthma, you’re not sweating it. You’re in charge and expect it to stay that way. You’re aware of your triggers and you sidestep them when you have to, but as long as you’ve got your rescue inhaler, you’re going to live your life. You could use some help identifying possible triggers, though, to ensure that you keep owning your asthma. Talk to your doctor about the best ways to do just that.
A Smart Solution
Here’s how to outsmart your asthma. Take this Asthma Control Test and share the results with your doctor. If your asthma thinks it’s got you beat, it better think again.
Asthma Control Test is a trademark of QualityMetric Incorporated.
Continue to Own it
You’ve got your asthma’s number. You can use this Aspire by app to keep it in check, track your symptoms, and make sure your asthma remembers who’s in charge.

Taking this quiz is another step to owning your asthma. Here's what we heard you say.
I got this. I’ve got control over my asthma. I do avoid certain activities, though, because I’m afraid I might have an attack.
I got this. I’ve got control over my asthma. I try not to let it interfere with my life. But I sometimes have to adjust my activities to accommodate it.
I got this. I’ve got control over my asthma. I never plan around it or make apologies for it.
I’m unsure about my asthma. I wonder if it’s worse than I think. I avoid certain activities and try to find workarounds for others.
I’m unsure about my asthma. I wonder if it’s worse than I think. I try not to let it interfere with my life. But I sometimes have to adjust my activities to accommodate it.
I’m unsure about my asthma. I wonder if it’s worse than I think. But I never plan around it or make apologies for it.
I recognize the impact that asthma has on my life. I avoid certain activities and try to find workarounds for others. I could use some help getting the answers I need.
I recognize the impact that asthma has on my life. I do sometimes adjust my activities to accommodate it and I know I could use some help getting the answers I need.
I recognize the impact that asthma has on my life. I never plan around it and I certainly don’t make apologies for it, but I do want help getting the answers I need.
Use these talking points for an honest conversation with your doctor to help them prescribe appropriate treatments.