Food Sensitivities and Allergies
A well-balanced diet is a core element of healthy living because it helps your body function at its best. There’s little doubt that a healthy diet has countless benefits, including promoting a healthier immune system that can help keep asthma under control.
Just as a healthy diet has benefits, there are foods and drinks that can have adverse effects on some people with asthma and should be avoided.
Did you know?
Children with both food allergies and asthma are at increased risk for severe anaphylactic reactions to foods.
Gas-Causing Foods
Bloating can make breathing more difficult, which means gas-inducing foods should also be limited, or avoided entirely, when possible. Foods affect people differently, so it’s a good idea to keep track of items that cause you to become bloated.
Symptoms Check
Could the food you’re eating be triggering your asthma symptoms?
Have you noticed that some preserved foods are making your asthma symptoms worse?
Vitamin D Deficiency
Research has shown that having a vitamin D deficiency can lead to an increased risk of asthma attacks. Fortunately, research also shows that vitamin D can help reduce inflammation in our airways and provide some protection against respiratory infections, which is good news for allergy sufferers.
Food Allergies
If you have a food allergy, it can cause your body to react in different ways depending on the severity of your sensitivity. Asthma sufferers should be particularly careful about avoiding contact with foods they’re sensitive to because they can have an increased risk of a severe reaction that can cause breathing problems. To learn more about possible food allergies, consult your doctor or allergist about getting tested for food allergies.
Tips for Managing Food Allergies
Always check the ingredients on food labels
When eating out, inform the restaurant of all of your allergies
Get tested for food allergies if you suspect you might be affected by certain foods
Keep epinephrine on you if you have a diagnosed food allergy